Nikolay Hovhannisian involved in list of foremost<br /> scientists of world<br />

Nikolay Hovhannisian involved in list of foremost
scientists of world

  • 03-08-2009 11:40:00   |   |  Social
CAMBRIDGE, AUGUST 3, NOYAN TAPAN - ARMENIANS TODAY. Former Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, famous orientalist and associate member of the Academy Nikolay Hovhannisian was elected a member of the Foremost Scientists of the World 2009 and Top 100 Scientists 2009 nominations of the International Biographical Center in Cambridge (Great Britain). Azg reads this, quoting messages, signed by Center Director General Nicholas Law, got on May 15 and June 26. Those single ones who, as a result of the center's researches, has had a significant contribution in national and international senses in the corresponding spheres, are elected in the given nominations by thousands of scientists of different countries of the world. They occupy their stable place in the history and are worthy of getting notable medals and certificates issued by the center.
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