Biographies of 200 famous Armenians of century in one book<br />

Biographies of 200 famous Armenians of century in one book

  • 27-07-2009 14:30:00   |   |  Social
MARSEILLES, JULY 27, NOYAN TAPAN - ARMENIANS TODAY. The Armenian Biographical Center cultural company (it is an NGO) founded in 2003, in the city of Marseilles, France, published the book entitled "Outstanding Armenians of the 21st Century, Contribution in Modern Civilization." Robert Bakhtchadjian is the initiator of the Armenian Biographical Center and the author of the mentioned book. In his words, the goal for creation of the center and publication of the book was to represent famous individuals, scientific and cultural figures of the Armenian origin to the world. The book involving about 200 biographies is bilateral (in Armenian and English) and was published with a print run of 400 copies. "I often felt necessity of such a volume before starting this work. I often felt regret that both compatriots and foreigners both in Homeland and Diaspora are not aware of famous Armenians' activity," R. Bakhtchadjian mentioned in the interview to Noyan Tapan correspondent. He explained that the biographies were formed based on the answers given to the forms presented by the Armenian Biographical Center. In the case, when the form was not filled, data of open information sources were used. The source which has been used is specially notified at the end of each biographic article. The book entitled "Outstanding Armenians of the 21st Century, Contribution in Modern Civilization" is the first volume of the series of books. The book will be spread in Armenia, Diaspora, given to foreign libraries according to the demand and interest. Robert Bakhtchadjian was born in 1957, in Gyumri. He gratuated from the Chemistry Faculty of Yerevan State University in 1979, then he was engaged in scietific activity at the RA NAS Institute for Chemical Physics. He continued the scientific activity in 1996, at the National Center for Scientific Researches of France and University Aix-Marseilles III. The Ph. Doctor's degree got by R. Bakhtchadjian in 1986 in the Soviet Armenia considered in France equivalent to the Doctor's degree (1997). Results of his scientific workings out were used by foreign authoritative companies of chemical industry. Different spheres of Armenian reality are in the circle of R. Bakhtchadjian's interest. R. Bakhtchadjian touched them upon in different periodicals of Diaspora.
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