Action brought against fact of policemen's abusing their<br /> official competence<br />

Action brought against fact of policemen's abusing their
official competence

  • 03-07-2009 18:00:00   | Armenia  |  Social
YEREVAN, JULY 3, NOYAN TAPAN. An action was brought at the Special Investigation Service of Armenia on the case of police employees' abusing their official competence. According to the information of the RA Prosecutor General's Office website, resident of the city of Gyumri T. Tadevosian was beaten on April 15 and taken with grave bodily injuries first to the Gyumri "white" hospital, then to Yerevan Mikayelian hospital where he died. It was found out by the preliminary investigation that materials on the mentioned case were prepared at the Police with an obvious tendency of masking the crime. Gyumri Police N1 department chief A. Tapaltsian and investigator S. Sargsian did not register the case in time, did not implement urgent investigation actions and did not take sufficient actions to disclose the crime. It was also found out by the preliminary investigation that employees of the Kanaker-Zeytun Department of Yerevan Police K. Muradian and S. Margarian visited T. Tadevosian at the Mikayelian hospital. The latters abolished the document on the real circumstances of the case and formed a forged document instead, which was attached to the materials of the case.
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