Singer Ibrahim Khalil Presents the Yazidi National Songs in a New Way

Singer Ibrahim Khalil Presents the Yazidi National Songs in a New Way

  • 18-02-2020 13:10:29   | Armenia  |  Culture

The Yezidi community of Armenia, Syria, Turkey and Iraq already knows singer Ibrahim Khalil who presents the Yazidi national songs in a new way. Ibrahim likes to perform old Yazidi songs, which he presents with new instruments and in his own way. Besides Yazidi songs, he also sings in pop and hip-hop styles, as well as he is known by performing Yazidi folklore music. The first song, Beje Beje was issued in 2012, after which during several years he had managed to release eight videoclips, and all of them were created mainly on the basis of his written songs. Ibrahim not only writes himself lyrics and music for his songs, but also perfoms other authors’ works. In his repertoire there are Yazidi national songs, love songs, and soon there will be a new song about mother. After about two months, the videoclip made on the basis of that song would be released. Ibrahim’s love towards music had already been since childhood. He received his musical education in Syria, studying in the Vocal Department of “Dengê Zêlal” Music School. Since eight years old, he had taken part in various concerts and musical competitions. 
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