Publicist Gevorg Yazichian: Armenian authorities create<br /> bases for a new Armenian genocide<br />

Publicist Gevorg Yazichian: Armenian authorities create
bases for a new Armenian genocide

  • 15-04-2009 17:15:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, APRIL 15, NOYAN TAPAN. In the opinion of Armen Yeghyan, a member of the Consolidation of Armenian Volunteers initiative, the Armenian-Turkish negotiations aimed at establishment of relations have already entered into a stage dangerous for Armenia. As he mentioned at the April 15 discussion, today the Armenian authorities have consigned to oblivion the fact that Turkey has created its state on the most part of the historic homeland of the Armenians. In his words, the authorities take that step and other ungrounded steps for a single purpose, to retain their own posts and to get some legitimacy. Publicist, journalist Gevorg Yazichian, in his turn, said that the Armenian-Turkish relations are a conflict and hostility. "However, not we are disposed in a hostile way to Turkey, but that country made hostile actions to Armenia by blockading it," the journalist said. In his words, if after all that the RA authorities speak about good-neighborly relations, they create bases for a new Armenian genocide.
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