Sports events held in Sulda village of Akhalkalak on<br /> initiative of Zori Zoryan youth union<br />

Sports events held in Sulda village of Akhalkalak on
initiative of Zori Zoryan youth union

  • 30-06-2009 15:40:00   |   |  Social
AKHALKALAK, JUNE 30, NOYAN TAPAN - ARMENIANS TODAY. Sports events started in the village of Sulda, Akhalkalak region on June 26 on the initiative of the Zori Zoryan youth union. The A-Info information agency reported this. More than 60 young people from Akhalkalak and Ninotsminda regions took part in competitions of run and jump. The winners were awarded diplomas and medals by the Zori Zoryan youth union and sportsmen taking the first places were also given souvenirs. It was also reported that the sports events will continue over the whole summer. "We see Javakhk's future in educated, clever, competent and physically strong youth," Director of Akhalkalak Youth Center, Chairman of the Zori Zoryan youth union Nairi Mnatsakanian said in his interview to A-Info correspondent.
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