Tbilisi experts satisfied with instruction quality at<br /> Armenian school in Akhaltskha<br />

Tbilisi experts satisfied with instruction quality at
Armenian school in Akhaltskha

  • 25-06-2009 14:00:00   | Georgia  |  Social
AKHALTSKHA, JUNE 25, NOYAN TAPAN - ARMENIANS TODAY. Experts of the Georgian ministry of education Natia Bokeria and Nino Berishvili recently arrived in Akhalkalak from Tbilisi with the aim of checking the quality of instruction and the use of new educational methods at school No 3 after Hovhannes Tumanian in Akhaltskha. During the visit, they became acquainted with the everyday life of primary school pupils, went to the school museum. The guests left Akhaltskha with good impressions, ranking the Armenian school No 3 among the best ones, A-Info news agency reported.
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