OSCE mission conducts plan monitoring at NKR and<br /> Azerbaijan's armed forces contact-line<br />

OSCE mission conducts plan monitoring at NKR and
Azerbaijan's armed forces contact-line

  • 11-06-2009 15:55:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
STEPANAKERT, JUNE 11, NOYAN TAPAN. In accordance with the agreement reached with the Nagorno Karabakh Republic authorities in advance, on June 10, the OSCE mission conducted a plan monitoring at NKR and Azerbaijan's armed forces contact-line in the direction of Fizuli, near the populated area of Karakhanbeyli. Field Assistants of Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Irzhi Aberle (Czech Republic) and Vladimir Chuntulov (Bulgaria) conducted the monitoring from the positions of the NKR defence army. As Noyan Tapan was informed by the NKR Foreign Ministry Press Service, though the monitoring was held according to the schedule, nevertheless the Azeri side did not lead the monitoring mission to its front line, the point, over which an agreement had been reached in advance, and the OSCE monitoring groups had to carry out the monitoring from a farther distance. No cease-fire regime violations were recorded during the monitoring. Representatives of the NKR Foreign Ministry and Defence Ministry accompanied the monitoring mission on the part of Karabakh.
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