Viva-MTS has increased its social investment for housing
23-09-2020 14:35:58 | Armenia | Organizations
The number of families included in the housing project has increased. Viva-MTS, hand in hand with the “Fuller Center for Housing Armenia”, has increased its investment to a possible extent to provide maximum support and help families facing housing problems. All regions of Armenia are in the center of attention, but, following the July clashes, the priority has been given to the families living in border villages. Instead of 37 families, announced at the beginning of the year, 88 families will overcome the housing problem, encompassing renovation or house-building.
The decision to give new impetus to the project was also discussed through a video call with partners who left for Tavush region to coordinate the work.
“We are not back to our normal rhythm of life yet, but that is not an obstacle for our programs. We may have adjusted our methods and tools, but not the purpose. I am happy to say the plans we had been discussing earlier, are now a reality. We have increased the size of the support to the possible extent and have handed over the required sum. That means more work and more responsibility, but I am sure we will end the year successfully,” Viva-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said during the video call.
“This year too, Viva-MTS did not refrain from giving a surprise. It is an unprecedented indicator to start the program for 37 families, then increase it and finish with 88. The amount of investment this year is quite large. It is encouraging and gratifying that we can be helpful to people living in different regions of the country. The current situation does not allow us to work with great activeness, but we will try to exert our efforts as much as possible and achieve a good result,” said Ashot Yeghiazaryan, the President of the “Fuller Center for Housing Armenia”.
The Paytyan family living in Aygepar village of Tavush region is one of the newcomers in the housing program. The homeowner who lost his wife untimely has one goal – to see his son serving the military have a strong roof over his head. Back in 1992, due to the shelling of the enemy, the Paytyans lost their house within minutes. The family now rents an apartment in another emergency-state-building.
“The apartment I got about 35 years ago and where I lived with my wife and child was destroyed in 1992 in a shelling. Temporarily, for a year, we lived in my relative's apartment. Then, we moved to other houses again. It's already 27 years; we have been renting an apartment in an emergency-state-building, which is in that condition again due to shelling. There is a danger of collapse every second, but we have to live. The house, purchased with the support of partner organizations, is now under construction,” said Valerik Paytyan, the homeowner.
The house purchased with the support of partners and the construction started changed the mood of the owners and their faith in the future. The partners of the years are actively following the work carried out in different regions in order to record the desired result at the end of the year. The program solves not only a social but also a psychological problem. At the end of the year, several families in Aygepar will celebrate a housewarming.
For the housing project in the current year, Viva-MTS has invested over AMD 202 mln.