Armenians Today Electronic News Paper Comes<br />

Armenians Today Electronic News Paper Comes

  • 03-04-2009 16:36:00   | Armenia  |  Social
Yerevan, April 3, Noyan Tapan. Out As Initiative of the Ministry of Diaspora. The board of the ministry of Diaspora met in special session to discuss Armenia-Diaspora issues related to educational and cultural cooperation. In particular, the issues of publishing an electronic newspaper "Armenians Today", implementing the "Come Home" and "Day of Praising" initiatives, as well as other programs aimed at promoting cultural life of Armenian communities of Diaspora were discussed. According to Deouty minister Stepan Petrosian, the "Day of Praising" project is devoted to praising of distinguished Diasporan Armenians. The project will contribute to mutual understanding of Armenians from motherland and Diaspora, help to foster in junior generation loyalty to their homeland, national pride and appraisal of true national values, told Petrosian. This year in the fringes of the program events dedicated to life and work of Armenia's national heroes, as Armenian philanthropists Alex Manoogian, great chanson Charles Aznavour and billionaire Kirk Kirkorian will be organized. Particularly, conferences, days of poetry, essays competitions, concerts, open lessons in Armenia's higher educational institutions and other educational establishment of the city and regions. In addition to it, video films dedicated to Armenian heroes will be shot and showed. The ministry will organize, jointly with the Yerevan's municipality the opening ceremony of the Charles Aznavour House Museum in Yerevan. Personnel Manager of the ministry Artak Zachariah presented an electronic publication "Armenians Today." According to him, the main goal of the newspaper to strengthen and deepen ties between Armenia and Diaspora by disseminating information. Cultural, economic, educational, spiritual and other spheres of Armenian communities of Diaspora will be broadly highlighted, he told. According to Zakarian, latest developments and outstanding facts related to the Armenians reported by foreign media will find place in «Armenians Today. Issues of supporting to "Spyurk-Kentron" foundation, singers Inga and Anush Arshakian, representing Armenia in the "Eurovision 2009" competition, as well as the issue of creating "The Garden of Diaspora" were also discussed.
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