"Case of seven" divided into 6 different cases<br /> " />

"Case of seven" divided into 6 different cases

  • 01-04-2009 18:00:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, APRIL 1, NOYAN TAPAN. Examining prosecutor party's petition of partially renouncing criminal prosecution and changing the brought accusation, Yerevan Kentron and Nork-Marash communities' first instance court presided over by judge Mnatsakan Martirosian, on April 1, on the "case of the seven" made a decision to quash it by part 1, Article 300, RA Criminal Code (seizing the state power) and to stop the criminal prosecution due to the lack of corpus delicti. The court taking into consideration the amendments made to the RA Criminal Code also decided to withdraw the charge by part 3, Article 225 (mass disorders accompanied by murders) from defendants' charge. By court's decision only the case on the part of former RA Foreign Minister Alexander Arzumanian and Suren Sirunian from the "case of the seven" will continue to be examined by M. Martirosian. The above mentioned defendants are accused by part 1, Article 225, RA Criminal Code, organizing mass disorders. The court gave the defence party a week to get acquainted with the new charge and fixed the next court sitting for April 8. The materials on the part of RA NA deputy Myasnik Malkhasian's charge were separated from the "case of the seven." They will be examined at the same court. M. Malkhasian is accused by part 1, Article 225, RA Criminal Code, organizing mass disorders and by part 2, Article 38-316, assisting with use of violence to a power representative dangerous for his life or health. The cases on the part of RA NA deputy Hakob Hakobian, Grigor Voskerchian, and Shant Haroutiunian accused by part 1, Article 225, RA Criminal Code will be also examined at the same court. The materials on the part of RA NA deputy Sasun Mikayelian were sent to the Kotayk region first instance court to examine them according to jursidiction. S. Mikayelian is accused by part 1, Article 225 and part 1 and part 2, Article 235, RA Criminal Code (keeping illegal arms, ammunition). The restraint chosen to all of seven defendants, arrest, was kept unchanged. Hovik Arsenian, A. Arzumanian's and M. Malkhasian's lawyer, assessed court's decision to divide the case as illegal. "On what basis was this division done? As the charge mentions that these people "coming to a criminal agreement organized mass disorders," therefore the case should have been examined in a united way. Sending the materials on the part of Sasun Mikayelian to Kotayk region first instance court is also unintelligible: did he commit a mass disorder there?," the lawyer said. H. Arsenian stated that the defence party is going to appeal against the decision after receiving it.
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