March 4 is announced time out in Linares 2009 tournament<br />

March 4 is announced time out in Linares 2009 tournament

  • 04-03-2009 19:30:00   |   |  Sport
LINARES, MARCH 4, NOYAN TAPAN. All games ended in a draw in the Linares 2009 chess supertournament's 11th round on March 3. The Dominges-Aronian, Grishchuk-Rajabov, Vang Yu-Anand and Ivanchuk-Karlsen games ended in a draw. Grishchuk continues heading the tournament table with 7 points. Aronian, Anand, and Karlsen share the 3-5th places with 5.5 points each. March 4 is announced a time out in the tournament.
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