Political scientist Armen Ayvazian: Armenian-Turkish<br /> conflict will not be solved by watching football<br />

Political scientist Armen Ayvazian: Armenian-Turkish
conflict will not be solved by watching football

  • 24-02-2009 17:50:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 24, NOYAN TAPAN. Since Armenia's independence up to the present Turkey has been carrying out aggressive, harmful actions to the Armenian state, which permit to conclude that Turkey is in a conflict with Armenia. Political scientist Armen Ayvazian, the Director of the Ararat strategical center, stated at the February 24 press conference. According to him, Turkey carries out the above mentioned actions simultaneously at ten levels - conceptional-terminological, political, historic-political, legal-political, information-psychological, economic, cultural, military, protection of rights of the Armenian minority living in Turkey, and splits emerging between various parts of Armenians. According to A. Ayvazian, Armenia's 15-year blockade, complete assistance to Azerbaijan, consistent efforts to settle Meskhetian Turks in Javakhk, and others are among Turkey's anti-Armenian actions. "The RA foreign policy disregards many of Turkey's above mentioned actions," A. Ayvazian said. According to him, instead of counteracting to Turkey's anti-Armenian projects or working out opposite projects Armenia's state figures use the expression "our brave colleagues" when speaking about the Turkish figures. "If we continue like this, it will result in a national disaster," the political scientist said adding that the Armenian-Turkish conflict will not be solved through individual meetings, especially by watching football.
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