RA President receives IMF mission<br />

RA President receives IMF mission

  • 18-02-2009 17:00:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 18, NOYAN TAPAN. On February 18, RA President Serzh Sargsyan received the delegation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which included IMF Executive Director Al Baker, Deputy Director of the IMF Middle East and Central Asia Department Lorenzo Perez, head of IMF Armenian mission Mark Luis, and IMF Resident Representative in Armenia Nienke Oomes. S. Sargsyan highly assessed Armenia's cooperation with IMF and thanked IMF for assisting Armenia. He reaffirmed the readiness of the authorities to take active and practical steps to mitigate the global financial-economic crisis consequences on country's economy. According to the RA President's Press Office, issues regarding programs and prospects of Armenia's cooperation with IMF under the crisis were discussed during the conversation.
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