Duty for use of air transport to be included in plane<br /> ticket prices starting from March 28<br />

Duty for use of air transport to be included in plane
ticket prices starting from March 28

  • 02-02-2009 23:00:00   | Armenia  |  Social
YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 2, NOYAN TAPAN. Starting from March 28, the duty for use of air transport will be included in the prices of plane tickets in Armenia. The deputy head of the RA State Revenue Committee Armen Alaverdian said at the January 30 sitting of the government that the public should be informed that from the indicated day, passengers with tickets including the duty will not be charged the duty separately. According to the head of the Civil Aviation Department Artyom Movsisian, they have already warned all the airlines to include the duty in ticket prices.
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