Political scientist Levon Shirinian: It is more convenient<br /> that Diaspora attend to solution of Georgian Armenians' problems<br />

Political scientist Levon Shirinian: It is more convenient
that Diaspora attend to solution of Georgian Armenians' problems

  • 29-01-2009 17:30:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, JANUARY 29, NOYAN TAPAN. Armenia has always tried to have at least bearable relations with Georgia, while Georgia comes up from positions of force. Levon Shirinian, a Doctor of Political Science, the Head of the Law History and Political Science Chair of Yerevan K. Abovian State Pedagogical University, expressed such an opinion at the January 29 press conference. According to him, when Russia's influence in the region weakens, with Turkey's sponsorship Georgia tries to go out to the West at the expense of Armenia. According to the political scientist, the recent events in Georgia, in particular, the arrests of Grigor Minasian, the Director of Akhaltskha Youth Center, and Sargis Hakobjanian, the Chairman of the Charles Aznavour charity NGO, are purely pretexts for securing their goal. And according to L. Shirinian, the Georgian authorities' goal is to create such conditions, under which the Armenians will leave Javakhk. According to his observation, the most convenient way to improve the formed situation is to carry out active actions in that direction: the Hay Dat (Armenian Cause) offices working abroad, as well as other organizations should also involve issues of protection of Georgian Armenians' rights in their working agendas. In the opinion of Sergey Minasian, the Deputy Director of the Caucasian Media Institute, Georgia's policy to Armenia is greatly affected by the opinion formed there, according to which Armenia is Russia's partner.
  -   Politics