Roads of total length of 165 km repaired with state<br /> budgetary resources in Armenia in 2008<br />

Roads of total length of 165 km repaired with state
budgetary resources in Armenia in 2008

  • 23-12-2008 23:00:00   | Armenia  |  Economy
YEREVAN, DECEMBER 23, NOYAN TAPAN. Major repairs of 11,520 million drams (about 37.7 million USD) were done with state budgetary resources in Armenia in 2008. The RA minister of transport and communication Gurgen Sargsyan said at the December 23 press conference that this sum was spent on major repairs of road sections of 164.8 km and installation of barriers of 24 km. 17 bridges were repaired. Work of 5,661.31 mln drams was done on maintenance and operation of roads of state importance, including interstate and republican ones. According to the minister, road sections of about 300 km are envisaged to be repaired under the Millennium Challenge Program. This program of the total cost of nearly 67 million USD was launched in 2007 and is scheduled to finish in 2011. It was announced that 25-km Armavir-Isahakian-Gyumri road section will be put into operation soon. The major repairs of the remaining 275-km road section have already begun and will finish in 2010. The Asian Development Bank's program of the total cost of 41.9 mln USD (including Armenian government's cofinancing of 10.8 mln USD) envisages major repairs of 227 km of roads in Gegharkunik, Armavir, Ararat and Kotayk marzes. Major repairs of 109 km began this year and will be completed in 2009. Repairs of the remaining 118 km will begin in 2009 and finish in 2010. To recap, in November 2008 the Asian Development Bank allocated an additional loan of 17.32 mln USD for implementation of the indicated program. It should be noted that the network of motor roads of state importance makes 7,704.3 km in Armenia, including 1,686 km of roads of state importance, 4,056.3 km of roads of republican importance and 1,962 km of local roads. The minister said that in October 2008, an agreement on reconstruction of Yerevan-Batumi motorway was reached with Georgian side, thanks to which the length of the current road will be reduced by 30%, cargo turnover will grow and tourism will develop.
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