This time Zaven Andreasyan was in the second place

This time Zaven Andreasyan was in the second place

  • 18-04-2011 16:18:01   | Armenia  |  Sport

As reported in competition held in Dubai Zaven Andreasyan winning 7.5 points from 9 points was in the second place. Andreasyan got the same points as the winner Ehsan Ghaem Saghamin,but he didn’t win the "death part" for deciding the chess winner and was satisfied with vice champion title. Our other participants Karen H. Grigoryan, Samvel Ter-Sahakyan and David Harutyunyan also played not badly. They were defeated with 0.5 points and won the 3rd, 5th and 6th places. Let’s add that the representatives of 82 countries took part in that competition.
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