7th sitting of Armenian-Georgian intergovernmental<br /> commission held in Tbilisi<br />

7th sitting of Armenian-Georgian intergovernmental
commission held in Tbilisi

  • 09-12-2008 22:00:00   | Georgia  |  Economy
TBILISI, DECEMBER 9, NOYAN TAPAN. During the 7th sitting of the Armenian-Georgian intergovernmental commission for economic cooperation held in Tbilisi on December 9, the sides first discussed the implementation of the tasks of the previous sitting, noting that the majority of the decisions was fulfilled, while some of them are being fulfilled. As NT was informed by the RA Government Information and PR Department, discussing the demarcation process of the Armenian-Georgian state border, the intergovernmental commission proposed that the respective commissions of two sides continue their active work in order to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. The intergovernmental commission took notice of the information presented by the sides that the bilateral external commodity turnover grew by 31.6% in January-October 2008 on the same period of 2007. The necessity of promoting cooperation in the IT sector was underlined. The sides agreed to organize familiarization trips for journalists in 2009. The commission instructed the ministries of agriculture of two countries to set up a working group, examine the opportunities for creation and operation of joint ventures in tea production, and to discuss the proposals for encouraging cooperation of representatives of the private sector of two sides, including proposals on creation of joint ventures on processing, packing and preservation of fruit and vegetables. Noting that the cargo transportation between Armenia and Georgia has considerably grown in recent years, the commission gave instructions to develop and submit proposals on implementation of standard rules of border, veterinary, phytosanitary, sanitary and customs actions by April 1, 2009. It was decided to agree on the issue of constructing a second vehicle bridge by April 1, 2009. The sides said that the volumes of both car and railway cargo transportation between the two countries have a tendency of stable growth. The competent bodies of two sides were instructed to continue work on improvement of the infrastructures and carrying capacity of Ayrum-Sadakhlo station. The Georgian ministry of economic development and the Armenian ministry of economy received instructions to regularly exchange information on the restoration and reconstruction of Yerevan - Gyumri - Bavra - Ninotsminda - Akhaltskha - Shuakhevi - Batumi motorway. The respective competent bodies of Armenia and Georgia were instructed to introduce the border and customs control principle during operation of Yerevan-Tbilisi-Yerevan passenger train - by May 1, 2009. The intergovernmental commission pointed out the mutual interest of the sides in developing the integration processes in energy sector. They underlined the importance of uniterrupted delivery of the necessary amount of gas to Armenia, especially in winter, through Georgia's gas transportation system. In this connection the Armenian side noted the Georgian side's efficient work on completion of priority measures for increasing the capacity of the Georgian gas transportation system and ensuring uniterrupted and reliable transportation of the necessary amount of natural gas to Armenia. The sides received instructions to finish the construction of Armenia-Georgia 400kv high-voltage line by late 2009. The commission also gave instructions to the RA ministry of energy and natural resources, High-Voltage Electric Networks of Armenia CJSC and the competent bodies of Georgia to take all measures required by the Georgian legislation in order to formulate legally the status of Ashotsk-Ninotsminda high-voltage line.
  -   Economy