New souvenir sheet with two stamps under the theme “Religion and Culture. Cultural Crime”

New souvenir sheet with two stamps under the theme “Religion and Culture. Cultural Crime”

  • 11-07-2023 12:10:38   | Armenia  |  Press release

On July 11th, 2023, a souvenir sheet with two postage stamps under the theme “Religion and Culture. Cultural Crime” has been put into circulation. 
The postage stamp of the souvenir sheet with the nominal value of 940 AMD depicts the Armenian cemetery of Julfa and the postage stamp of the souvenir sheet with the nominal value of 950 AMD depicts the same cemetery after the targeted destruction of the Armenian cross-stones (khachkars) by Azerbaijan in 2005.
The background of the souvenir sheet depicts the photos of the destruction of the numerous Armenian cross-stones (khachkars) of the XVI-XVIII centuries of the Armenian cemetery of Julfa located in Nakhijevan. 
The souvenir sheet also depicts the inscriptions “ARMENIAN CEMETERY OF JULFA” and “THE DESTRUCTION OF ARMENIAN CROSS-STONES (KHACHKARS) OF THE XVI-XVIII CENTURIES IN NAKHIJEVAN” in Armenian and English languages.
Date of issue: July 11, 2023
Designer: David Dovlatyan
Printing house: Cartor, France
Stamp size: 40,0 x 30,0 mm
S/sheet size: 105,0 x 70,0 mm
Print run: 15 000 pcs
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