Today the position on the Armenian issues of the new U.S. Ambassador to Armenia to be known

Today the position on the Armenian issues of the new U.S. Ambassador to Armenia to be known

  • 13-07-2011 09:16:20   | USA  |  Politics
Today, on July 13, the issue of approval of the nominated candidate for U.S. Ambassador to Armenia will be discussed in the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Candidate John Heffern is nominated by US President Barack Obama. John Heffern will answer the Senates’ questions. The position of the Ambassador on a number of regional issues, as well as Armenia-USA relations will be clarified due to the questions. The Discussion will be posted on the website of the committee. After the committee approves the candidature of the new USA Ambassador to Armenia, it should be also approved at the plenary session of U.S Senate.
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