Vahan Hovhannisyan doesn’t exclude the possibility of decision on extraordinary elections

Vahan Hovhannisyan doesn’t exclude the possibility of decision on extraordinary elections

  • 06-06-2011 16:27:40   | Armenia  |  Politics
The leader of RA National Assembly ARF party Vahan Hovhannisyan doesn’t exclude the possibility of “sudden decision” on extraordinary elections. He informed about this in the press conference, June 6, adding that he realized that “certainly, nowadays the battle between two sides existed in the authority”. According to Vahan Hovhannisyan , in the Armenian National Congress people don’t’ have the same point of view, the evidence is that some members of ANC left it because of the dialogue with the authorities. The Deputy underlined that he didn’t know the agenda presented by ANC during the negotiations. According to him, it is evident that the authorities also have their agenda, but it is not known whether the ANC is included in it or not. “I also think that the authority should apologize and go. The problem is, to whom the authority should apologize. To my mind, the authority should apologize to the society, people and not to the political force. Extraordinary elections are not obligatory for this, the authorities should simply realize that they aren’t eternal and they failed”, announced V. Hovhannisyan, adding that if this realization doesn’t exist, so “the negotiations that ANC imagines are less likely to become true, but nothing unexpected is impossible in our country”.
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