Edward Sharmazanov: "Armenia is ready to realise bold projects of reforms"

Edward Sharmazanov: "Armenia is ready to realise bold projects of reforms"

  • 04-10-2011 19:42:14   | Armenia  |  Politics
The Republican Party of Armenia headed by the President Serzh Sargsyan will carry out policy only derived from national and state interests. The press secretary of the ruling Republican Party Edward Sharmazanov announced this on October 4 during the announcements of the deputies of the National Assembly. He added that “during these years he has proved for many times that it is a political force that can unite Armenians.” By the appreciation of the responsible of the ruling party the last 10 days were rich with events among which he mentioned the speech of Serzh Sargsyan in UN sitting. Serzh Sargsyan especially noted that democratic freedoms have no alternative in Armenia. The head of the Republic also touched upon the procession of self-determination right which goes on in the world” and underlined that “drawing parallels between the South Sudan shows that the international recognition of Artsakh Republic is inevitable”. The head of the country also registered that Azerbaijan continues the propaganda of starting racism and war and only Turkey is guilty in the failure of Armenian-Turkish process. “The performance showed once again that our positions are consonant to the position of international community,” NA deputy said. By E. Sharmazanov’s appreciation the official visit of the RA President to France is also noteworthy during which a wide circle of issues was discussed and France’s President Nikola Sarkozi welcomed reforms implemented in Armenia. The representative of the ruling party also attached importance to the participation of the RA President in the summit of EU Eastern Partnership. In his speech Serzh Sargysn noted that Armenia supports the principle of the policy of the European neighborhood that is “the more support the more reforms” and attached importance to EU’s differentiated approach. According to E. Sharmazanov Armenia is faithful to the ongoing process mediated by OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, and the key of the solution of the issue is the control of their own destiny by people. “Artsakh people are as much Europeans as we are that is to say Artsakh is not only a territory but first of all people who build a state based on democratic values”, the Republican deputy said, adding that the Eastern partnership had proved its vitality and Armenia is ready to realize bold programs of reforms in those frames. “International community supports and highly praises the democratic reforms in Armenia and it isn’t accidental that even the leader of the extra-parliamentary opposition speaks about it.” E. Sharmazanov also noted that Warsaw’s final declaration accepted by the Eastern Partnership summit is generally “consonant to our approach”, it is mentioned there that conflicts should be solved in peaceful conditions on the basis of international law.
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