The right map of the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh has been already posted in the official website of the RA Minsitry of Agriculture

The right map of the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh has been already posted in the official website of the RA Minsitry of Agriculture

  • 11-10-2011 13:14:09   | Armenia  |  Press release

The right map of the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh has been already posted in the official website of the RA Minsitry of Agriculture. Let's remind that a few months ago "Let's use right maps" enterpreneurship initiated the auction of the usage of right maps in frames of which with the help of mass media and by other means thay called on all the organisations and deparments which use not right map of Nagorno-Karabakh to change it. H2 Tv company responded to the call of the intitiation changing the map shown during the weather forecast. The enterpreneurship also sets about to mark Seprember 3 as day of map. From now on every year September 3 will be marked as a day of the map of the RA and NAgorno-Karabakh.
  -   Press release